Pattern-making is about more than making patterns. You’ll want to organise them to keep a good overview, and review them when the time comes to select favorites. Repper lets you do all of that from within the app.

You may also want to have a look at View collections.

Create new collection

In All Collection overview, click on + New collection to start a new collection:


<aside> ☝ To access the All Collections overview, click the (📂) folder icon in the left sidebar.


Edit collection title/description

In the Current Collection view, simply click the title or description to edit:


Edit collection tags

In the Current Collection view, click Add tag (1) to type another tag and press ENTER to save it. You can add as many tags as you want.

Click the × button (2) to a tag to delete it.


Rearrange snapshots

In the Current Collection view, you can simply drag a snapshot and drop it into another place in the grid. Move it up or down near the edge of the list to scroll.


<aside> ☝ Note that you cannot rearrange snapshots in the list view, only in the small and large thumbnail grid view.
